Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Ready or Not...

Cute Hide 'n Seek illustration by Eloise.
I know i've been on an unannounced hiatus from the blogging world for ohhhh about a month now...but I'm back! I hope everyone had a fabulous holiday and is getting ready for an even better 2011! 

Life has taken lots of exciting twists and turns in my world recently and is sending me to none other than New York City to take a stab at this whole jewelry design thing. SO....you can imagine my excitement as well as insanity trying to pack and move to a big new city. You will be hearing and seeing lots of my new finds come January...but until then I am off to Mexico to enjoy some beach and sunshine before I attempt to conquer (or at least survive) the frigid East coast winter! 

Adios Amigos!

Sunday, December 5, 2010

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